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Dan Burley

 The Nation

     The Movement


This picture was furnsihed by Wali Muhammad


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The Message Came from the Media and the Media was Dan Burley

Come to the Event on Feb 25th 2015

at the Fountaindale Public Library

300 West Briarcliff, Bolingbrook Illinois at 2pm 

Open Mic for the Audence on What has Changed as of Today in Your Life

Call 1-630-863-9971 email



What really happened was the nation needed to go public and one of the most highly connected person within the Black Press was my father Dan Burley, who moved many with his words, and his ability to take someone whether in Entertainment, Politics and within a controversy to move they're issues worldwide, Dan was in the most publications available which allowed Blacks to have a voice, as he also managed and edited many of the publications as well as the creator of many which remained popular until this day D'Anne will display the orgainal columns of the Nations of Islams Muhammad Speaks which began as the voice of the Messager then he placed the very same publication into a tabloid size booklet which was the earmark for many tabloids today.


FACTS About The Nation Which Historians Refuse to Allow as Fact











The Facts About the Nation and Why The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's name should be placed before the works of Malcolm X, as all was taught to Malcolm via the Movements Leader.


The Reason for silence was because of the fear which came from the Leaders of the United States that Blacks would have a way to empower themselves, in the south as I was told by many and this informaton was shared first hand as I listened to the leaders talk to my father over the phone and or in person, the plight of blacks in the south, and at that time the very same conditions they ran from existed in the North as well.


There was little equality, no equal pay for work, no rights relating to schools and not creating a negative imagine that Blacks were lessor than any other person in this country.


Drew Noble was the first to bring the teaching to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who witnessed first hand the abuse by Blacks by Whites and how the KKK moved to kill and distroy the life of those within the communities. Then once in the North it existed on another level there was separation and diviisions and more and more Black men were without hope ended up jailed many for crimes they did not commit, others because they had no hope, forced into proverty then made to sell dope on the streets because of the oppression the United States imposed on Black People.


As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's, practice began as a Minister of the Baptist Church, he began to question what was being taught, and as I saw it, he needed to create something different to move black people from disparity into believing in themselves and that they could me somebody without the need of anyone giving them the right to do this.


My father and mother both installed this mindset into me, as I grow up as a black child then woman, seeing the world from behind the seems prior to and after the Civil Rights Movement.







I was my dad as a man who moved mountains all because he had a dream to become someone right as he worked out of High School, he was in sports, the press, and a musician/poet/entertainer with a band, whose music caused the beginning of the Rock and Roll industry and also created the poetic style which is todays HipHop via his "Harlem Book of Jive".


Now Dan, was wearing the hat of the man who bought forth the words of the Nation of Islam, and moved into hands of America's people causing many to see the full side of the issue as he wrote, and placed the words of people like the Honorable Elihad Muhammad, Malcolm X, and others from the Nation into the media via "The Pittsburg Courier", The New Crusader, Jet Magazine, The Defender, and everywhere else he wrote his columns and then into the white press who also carried my fathers works as well.




iThen came the interview with Dan Burley on CBS about the Nation and what the Nation sought in not equality but a voice of we want separation to empower ourselves without the aid of those in the United States which refused to allow us our rights.



After for years writing the Messager for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the begining as S.B. Fuller would not allow the Nations Publication in his paper unless his friend Dan Burley wrote and managed the work from the nation, then the agreement began where the Messager spoke via the press in the Pittsburg Courier, then later in The New Crusader which my father co-owned with Mr Lavelle as I was indeed there as was my mother and others in fact this interview of my father Dan Burley can be seem on this videl by clicking below.









Back on May 1 of this year, @saleem muhammad offered the quote below (edited for brevity) as "proof" that the publication "Mr. Muhammad Speaks" preceded "Muhammad Speaks" as published in Chicago. As proof to the contrary, (have to admit it took me a while to find it) I have posted a copy of Muhammad Speaks, (masthead included) that edited by Dan Burley and published Feb. 1960. Hence, the concept, brand and publication of "Muhammad Speaks" preceded the efforts by Min. Malcolm.










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